Saturday, May 16, 2020

The As A Vegetarian Based Or Vegan Diet ( Watters )

Vegetarianism has existed for many centuries, but perhaps the most well known vegetarian was Pythagoras. Pythagoras was a philosopher whom educated much of the world on his ideas in life, one at the time being the abstinence of meat. Pythagoras, along with many of his followers, believed that the consumption of meat could affect the longevity of one’s life. Though not everyone believed in Pythagoras’ opinions, he still had a loyal group of followers. Pythagoras was so widely associated with a meat free diet that the terms vegetarian was not even in use until 1847, when the term â€Å"pythagorean† was changed to â€Å"vegetarian† (Avey). Today, there are 16 million people in America who follow a vegetarian-based or vegan diet (Watters). There is a common misconception that the choice to become a vegetarian is based only on a person’s love for animals, but there are many other benefits to being a vegetarian. Pythagoras and his followers gave ma ny of the same arguments that people who abstain from meat today support; for example, Pythagoras had the belief that there was a majority of added health benefits from a meatless diet (Avey). Vegetarianism can decrease the risk of cancer along with other health concerns, can solve problems the world presently faces,—such as world hunger and animal cruelty— and can have positive effects on the environment—such as pollution reduction and overgrazing reduction. People need to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle because it will improve publicShow MoreRelatedDominos Marketing Plan4675 Words   |  19 Pagesis a mature and highly competitive market, while the organic/natural and vegetarian market is one that is seldom addressed, yet consumers are increasingly showing their interests in such foods. Domino’s Pizza has the opportunity to be an innovator in this groundbreaking field, and by only seeing a slight increase in costs of sales and advertisement, creating an d releasing menu items that are organic/natural based or vegetarian will help Domino’s dominate the competition, while gaining three new market

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